Cold Store
Cold Store
Some industries, food, for example, demand that certain products be stored chilled or frozen until they reach the end customer. Working in these artificially cooled rooms or buildings requires adaptations to the trucks, consideration of working conditions, and an extra efficient logistic solution due to the often limited available space.

Maximizing Cold Storage Space and Efficiency
Keeping large storage spaces artificially cooled can be demanding and expensive. Because of this, you want to organize your operation to run as efficiently as possible within the available space.

Long Hours in the Cold
Your drivers must stay comfortable during their shift, necessitating a heated cabin or other solution. It is also vital that your truck's energy source and mechanical parts are adapted for low temperatures to maintain productivity over time.

Wet and/or Outdoors
Driving a truck between areas with varying temperatures causes several potential problems. Condensation and frost can occur, destroying the battery while increasing the risk of corrosion on the truck. Another important consideration is the kind of driving surfaces your truck will be required to manage, influencing your tire selection.