Toyoda Precepts (Corporate Creed)
- Always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the Company and to the overall good.
- Always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times.
- Always be practical and avoid frivolousness.
- Always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and friendly.
- Always have respect for God and remember to be grateful at all times.
Basic Philosophy (Toyota Industries’ Corporate Philosophy)
Respect for the Law
Toyota Industries is determined to comply with the letter and spirit of the law, in and outside of Japan, and to be fair and transparent in all its dealings.
Respect for Others
Toyota Industries is respectful of the people, culture, and tradition of each region and country in which it operates. It also works to promote economic growth and prosperity in those countries.
Respect for the Natural Environment
Through its corporate activities, Toyota Industries works to contribute to regional living conditions and social prosperity and also strives to offer products and services that are clean, safe, and of high quality.
Respect for Customers
Toyota Industries conducts intensive product research and forward-looking development activities to create new value for its customers.
Respect for Employees
Toyota Industries nurtures the inventiveness and other abilities of its employees. It seeks to create a climate of cooperation, so that employees and the Company can realize their full potential.
Five Values
We have Five Values that form an action guide for our employees to enforce our basic philosophy

The “Five Values” were assembled as an “action guide” for the employees of Toyota Industries. Each and every one of our employees is to think for themselves and determine, “What concrete action should we be taking and how should we change?” They will then share these thoughts with each other, and by also sharing a similar set of values they will aim to promote the future development of Toyota Industries.